Value of Design for Your Business: How to Stand out Among Competitors

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Picture of Dyachenko Anastasia
Dyachenko Anastasia
CEO at Cadabra Studio. UX expert and business consultant

Table of Contents

Exquisite designs inspire people, fill them with emotions, motivate them to act. Many entrepreneurs miss out on graphic design business opportunities because they don’t try to engage customers on the emotional level.


To be on top, you need to satisfy people in every aspect, promise them a better future here and now with your product or service. Also, you need to understand the difference between great design and sufficient. 

Importance of Graphic Design in Business

Design is one of the pillars of economic growth for companies. The need for professionals in this field increases each year – established enterprises grow bigger, leaving some niches less populated.


Thus, new competitors appear on the market. During marketing wars, graphic design serves its duties on the frontline trying to win customer’s attention. Make your product stand out, look more attractive, more reliable, and much more.


Growing demand for professional design services stimulates the growth of the service providers. Business is interested in additional tools for enhancing sales as well as in professionals that can determine the strengths and weaknesses of the current design. 

UI/UX Design

High-quality service needs an attractive user interface and must deliver a convenient user experience – use it as your advantage to outplay the competition! It is the most important piece of any website and mobile app design.


Customers’ actions often depend on their first impressions. Judging by the look and browsing experience, a person can either close the website a moment after, or start exploring it, and end up with a purchase.


User experience lets you know how people feel when interacting with digital objects (apps, sites, etc.).


UX design explains in details:

  • What the main goal of the project is (selling, information gathering, news sharing).

  • How to make convenient products for the target audience.

  • How the project performs (if it meets usability requirements, serves main goals, if it’s convenient to use).

As for UI design, it is all about working with the “face” of the web-resource. That is why you need to pay extra attention to this type of design.


Business opportunities should never be neglected, especially when they provide:

  • An original, one-of-a-kind style.

  • Improvement of web-resource usability (easily readable fonts, matching colors, clearly visible buttons, etc.).

  • Easy accessibility of main functions and make important information noticeable.

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Concept Design by Cadabra Studio

A good example of UI/UX design would be a cool-looking website with its personal style, where you can find everything in a few clicks without spending time on learning the structure. However, the complex of the designs mentioned above is more than how things look.


UI/UX design does a lot more:

  • Conveys the concept, benefits, and features of the business to the audience.

  • Improves conversion rates (easy to register/place an order – more chances to finish the action).

  • Boosts website’s rank on Google (engines promote those resources on which people spend a lot of time).

  • Creates regular customers out of random visitors.

Motion Design

Today it is not just about interchanging elements on the screen but a solid element of design that motivates people to act. Firstly, it attracts prying eyes.


Secondly, moving objects gamify the process of perception, which has become incredibly popular these days. Thirdly, it does “the business” with minimal effort.


Another popular trend in this field is micro-animations. Their job is to gently push visitors to make an action that could have been left out otherwise. For example, write a product review after buying something or rate the goods purchased.

Identity Design

The uniqueness of your brand is the key to success, so build your branding strategy on unexpected solutions, fresh ideas, marketing materials that add even more value of design in business. The first step of developing a brand identity is designing a stylish logo.


This can be done by your own team of designers, but if you want to go further and ensure design consistency of the brand, consider hiring a team of designers dedicated to this task only. It is not something that can be done solely by two or three in-house designers.


Failing to deliver design consistency across multiple resources, apps, and social media might result in far-reaching consequences (up to the full revamp).


Small business owners might not have enough resources to hire a web design studio for the project, and we understand that. In such scenarios, they tend to have negative thinking making them believe they won’t be able to get any brand recognition. That’s wrong on so many levels. Even one unique logo, spectacular front page, or exquisite business card design might get the attention needed. It can be the first step to building identity design.

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Concept Design by Cadabra Studio

Graphic Design

A professional graphic designer knows how to keep your content user-friendly and how to manipulate viewers’ attention.


This way, it becomes possible to improve the readability of the content through the use of illustration design, correct color schemes, suitable fonts, and so on. These are the main benefits of letting professionals orchestrate your design strategy.

Explore More Graphic Design Business Opportunities

Every business has a message to deliver. However, not everyone can do that clearly. Graphic design can solve this problem. Professional designers act as artists and psychologists.


They know how to operate visual content to entertain, motivate, and persuade people to act. In their hands, modern technology and art fuse into a new, higher form of art which also communicates a message.


Well-thought-out design boosts sales becoming another business opportunity. Design attracts the audience to the unusual things because people like originality. They receive a message on the psychological level – bad things cannot look good.


This thought goes directly into the mind from the first glance at the company logo, the home page on the website, business card, and other stuff.

Make Your Customers Feel Special

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Concept Design by Cadabra Studio

One thing some established businesses keep forgetting is conducting market researches to ensure what their target audience needs. You must be on the same page with your clients, appeal to the right market.


Win buyers’’ attention, earn their trust, develop goodwill in the market. Faithful customers will stay loyal to you when your design speaks to their heart and soul.


Countless design business opportunities are lost when marketers fail to convey a specific brand message to the audience. When you want to call people to action, you need to support the brand with a strong message that will be delivered through design. This message can make your product or service look meaningful, caring, supporting.


If you are marketing multiple products, then you need to gather feedback and analyze it, so you can fix possible flaws in design and revise products (or create new concepts). With MPVs, test them thoroughly before the launch to minimize risks and avoid public embarrassment.

A Final Word of Advice

You cannot understand what your business lacks and what it needs in terms of design until you continue reviewing all core elements of the development strategy individually. It is the most efficient advice we can give because understanding the importance of graphic design in business comes naturally.


Also, you need to adjust it according to the latest trends. Clarify how design is currently being used on the projects, look for questionable aspects, don’t be afraid to try something new if old tricks don’t work. Even if you think your company is doing well, there is always something to improve in existing design processes.


For example, update your logo design to make it look trendier. If you don’t have a dedicated design team to do this job, you can always outsource it to design studios. It is also advisable to consult with third-party professionals to see the picture of your business from another angle. Outside specialists with a fresh look can suggest solutions for improving your business.


Every step is a business opportunity. Design smart, design brave, make sure you understand or at least assume what your design strategy is missing and where the road rebranding will get you. Just remember that the first impression your design makes is the most crucial one.

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